Millions of people around the world enjoy creating new and exciting things out of this amazing building toy. From imagination to reality, Lego has captured a huge fan base consisting of boys and girls, young to old, and all nationalities. This toy serves more than just a fun way to build the imagination, but for many individuals around the world it also helps with many other issues. Here are three great examples of how this toy helps various conditions.

Lego – ADHD:

I grew up with Lego building blocks in the 80s, to my surprise, my daughters inherited the love for this toy. However, one of my kids wound up with ADHD. We had to use medication which helps us regulate this condition, but we also had to find activities that would assist with her focus and attention to detail. Enter the Lego brand building block toy. Other than building things out of random bricks, she also loves the <Harry Potter> and <Star Wars> kits. I published two separate articles in regards to Lego and ADHD, just click on the links above.

Lego – Multiple Sclerosis:

As I said before, I have loved Lego since I was a child and into adulthood. In 2009 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis or MS. One of the wonderful symptoms of MS is the degeneration of fine motor skills. My right hand has experienced this. I continuously have to work especially hard to try and maintain my fine motor skills in this hand. Lego really helps with this type of occupational therapy, plus it gives me an excuse to buy new kits! Here are a couple of sets that I have built. Let us start with The Mandalorian’s N1 starfighter:

The next set that I have built is the Y-Wing fighter from The Rise of Skywalker movie:

And finally, no Star Wars collection would be complete without Jedi Master Yoda:

The titanic is next on my list:

Lego – Osteogenesis Imperfecta:

I had never heard of this rare disease until a little boy on TikTok made me aware of it. He has decided to share his love for Lego due to OI or more commonly known as brittle bone syndrome. Kevin cannot go outside and play with other children his own age. This is due to the fear of breaking one or more of his bones which can be life-threatening. He is a very special boy who remains positive and loves Lego! He shares his creations with the world! Here are a few of his creations:

Make sure you show your support for Kevin by liking and following him. His TikTok user name is: k3vingabor. Let’s all show him some love and support!


Lego which in has been around since ~ 1947 and has inspired millions of boys and girls. These little blocks have had a profound impact on many lives. The term Lego comes from the Danish phrase: leg godt  which means “play well. This toy also contributes to a positive and fun way to help individuals with many physical issues beyond what is mentioned here.
