September 3rd 2022

Every comicon has to start somewhere. This brief review is for a show that is new and growing. The Rock Hill comicon is no exception. Below is the flyer, vendor map, and the location of where it was held at:

Rock Hill Comicon Entry:

I arrived around 9:00 am Saturday morning. The hotel was nice and clean with plenty of parking and hosted a spacious lobby with decent sized conference rooms. Of course my favorite was the cafe with a snack bar, which offered fresh dishes and packaged goodies for people to grab on the fly. Upon entering the comicon, I was greeted by this signage that separated the comic room from the toy room:

RH Comicon Entry Sign

Rock Hill Comicon Toy Room:

Right outside of the toy room, the Bride of Frankenstein was there to promote the SC Horror show just before you entered:

The toy room was small, compared to the comic room which was double it’s size. I stuck to the toy room because we were busy at the booth, so I did not get a chance to venture into the comic room. I apologize in advance.

Our Booth at the RHCC

All the vendors participating in the show were top notch which was really neat. Check out the video below. It starts in the corner with our booth and rotates around the room:

RH Toy and Comic Show 2022

I shared a booth with my buddy Eric Seamon and we were right next to another good friend of mine, Danny Jattan and his son Roman. Danny is the owner of unboxdocs. They open a variety of surprise packages like Loot Crate, Lego Club, and Geek Fuel just to name a few. Don’t forget to check them out and subscribe at:

Unbox Docs at – “Just a dad trying to pass his geek on to his kids.”

Final Thoughts

The Rock Hill Comicon has the makings to be a great show like it’s big brother the Charlotte Comicon in Concord, NC. Join us there December 11th! See the flyer below:
